It's been a long time coming, And we are still hard at work putting together a site that not only adequately represents a novel method in institutional recovery, but also serves our clients and gives them a voice where they can share their experiences, strength and hope. Hopefully it will reach others similarly situated, and it will be of use to them. Our Blog page will be coming soon.
This website is an ongoing project. We promise, it will improve as we learn and grow. Contact us if you have ideas or just want to say "howdy." The main reason we wanted an online presence is to grow a community of partners and friends. We can't do this alone. We need your help and perhaps even your guidance.
Speaking of help, we are in constant need of toiletry items for men, beddings, towels and clothing. When our men get here. they usually have only the clothes on their backs. We also take financial donations; we have plans to expand beyond our 24 beds. That will take more money than we can bring in alone. Please contact us if you can help in any way. Contact Rob Patton, Director, at: .
.Chas. W. Mubarak, JD, CPSS
Administrative Assistant/Webmaster